How Noise Pollution is Changing Animal Behaviour
How noise pollution is changing animal behaviour Noise pollution, generally an unintended byproduct of urbanisation, transport, and industry, is a key characteristic of human development and population growth. In some cases, it is produced intentionally, for example when seismic surveys ...
Zoo-ing Out: A First in the Travel Industry
In April 2017, Responsible Travel became the first travel company to stop promoting any holidays that included a visit to a zoo. Their reasons are centered around the education value of zoos, how much is spent on conservation efforts and ...
When a Bird Asks You to Back Off
Is getting "too close for comfort" a thing for birds? Yes totally! And if you look and listen, they even tell you when. It was a radiant and sun-filled day, perfect for a leisurely visit to a nearby beach, where ...
The Red Apes of Bukit —How Ethical is Orangutan Tourism?
Ecological Ethics A&A —From Awareness To Action
Ecological Ethics A&A—From Awareness To Action My friend and I engaged in a profound discussion about ethics. Our conversation delved into the inherent fascination of our species with a limitless growth model, evident in various facets such as our aspirations ...
My Journey to Becoming an Ethical Wildlife Volunteer
I am so happy to have gained a better understanding of what it takes to be an ethical wildlife volunteer. This has been and still is an ongoing journey into realizing that our actions are not always ethical –not because ...
A Visit to a Rwandan Gorilla Family
In 'the moment', and when too excited by the experience, it's very easy to forget the proper rule of conduct. Keeping a respectful distance is not just for your safety but is also about theirs (including their health). By not ...
When Ignorance Isn’t Bliss
Recently, when interviewing a young EwAnaut friend about her volunteer experience, I was reminded of how harmful not knowing can be. Our friend had just returned from volunteering at an accredited African wildlife conservation rescue organization. This was a good ...
Volunteering with Captive Wild Animals?
Is volunteering in a wildlife rescue center or sanctuary a bad idea? Not at all! It all depends on the species you will work with and on the legitimacy of the organization itself. But first, it requires the volunteer to do ...
Volunteering with or for Big Wild Cats?
Often volunteers look for and ask us about missions where they can interact with wild cats. And more than often we hear that the motivation for joining projects allowing these types of interactions is a way for them of affirming their love for these cats. But by ...
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