Fresh Pond Almanac—October at the Meadow

Fresh Pond Almanac October at the Meadow
The stunning wave of color that washes through the deciduous trees of New England every fall will arrive and peak in Lusitania Meadow in October. At the Meadow, most of the trees around ...

Fresh Pond Almanac—March at the Meadow

Fresh Pond Almanac March at the Meadow
In March, conditions will make the gradual and uneven transition from harsh winter to muddy spring at Fresh Pond. March brings the onset of new plant growth for the year and the final ...

Birds in Winter, Deadwood & Collembolans

Field Highlights » Birds in Winter, Deadwood & Springtails Season: Winter | Location: New-England's meadows, forests, parks, and gardens.

EwA runs biodiversity walks monthly when we invite our guests to observe with us the passage of the seasons on the local ...

Lichens, Pollution, and Us

Lichens, Pollution, and Us Learning how clean the air of a place is by documenting its lichens… Visit a forested area that’s not near a city, and you’ll see all sorts of lichens decorating trees and rocks. But if you ...

May the Lichens Be With You

May the Lichens be with You If flowers are commonly placed on a loved one’s final resting place, why shouldn’t lichens be allowed to reside on that loved one’s gravestone? If flowers are commonly placed on a loved one’s ...

Forest Explorations — April in the Fells

Forest Explorations April in the Fells Another month - another EwA Fells walk! Each forest exploration walk brings its load of wonders and this April's walk wasn't any different. April is an exciting month: vernal pools have thawed and are ...

Keeping the Fells Whole

Keeping the Fells Whole Earthwise Aware Report 2021
Documenting habitat fragmentation in a mixed-use urban forest Publication: January 29th, 2022 Note the scroll on the right-hand side below to get through the whole report. You can also read it in ...

Over-Collecting (Mushrooms)

Over-collecting Mushrooms Not too long ago, I led a mushroom walk in central Massachusetts for the North Country Land Trust. Just prior to my foray, there’d been a mycological club foray at the same site, and the vast number of ...

Wasps Biosurveillance and Milkweed Haven

Wasps Biosurveillance & Milkweed Haven Nature Highlights Season: Summer | Location: New-England's meadows, parks, and gardens

Look for wasps and the intense activity of insects on milkweeds in the warm summer months. What do they have in common? Both have a ...

Forest Explorations — May in the Fells

Forest Explorations May in the Fells The forest floor was dominated by swaths of Canada Mayflower during this month’s Forest Exploration – a sure sign of spring. This low-growing understory perennial has yet to flower at the Fells, but others ...

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