EwA Data/Information Attribution Policy

Earthwise Aware (EwA) recommends that all EwA data and/or other forms of information from the Earthwise Aware website downloaded/used by a user, referred to as “User,” be acknowledged as received from Earthwise Aware according to the following terms of this EwA Data Attribution Policy.

A. The following acknowledgments should be included either in the main text or the Acknowledgments section of all publications using data distributed by Earthwise Aware: “Data were provided by Earthwise Aware and the participants who contribute to its Biodiversity and Climate participatory science program.”

B. A species photo or video is a visual record/datum and should follow the same acknowledgment as above. Other general photos should be acknowledged either in the main text or the Acknowledgments section of all publications using photos distributed by Earthwise Aware: “[Photo(s) and/or Video(s)] was/were provided by Earthwise Aware and the participants who contribute to its Biodiversity and Climate participatory science program.”

C. All data sets distributed by Earthwise Aware should be cited as described below:

Earthwise Aware [Year of dataset access]. <Project Name> Data. Data type: [Raw Data, Map/Layer Data, Occurrence/Phenology Data]. [Date range of data used] for Site: [Site/Location Name]. Somerville, Massachusetts, USA. Data set accessed [Date] at earthwiseaware.org.


  • Earthwise Aware 2021. Habitat Fragmentation Project Data. Data type: Rogue Trail Documentation Data. 08/01/2020-08/31/2021 for Site: Middlesex Fells Reservation. Somerville, Massachusetts, USA. Data set accessed 09/02/2021 at earthwiseaware.org.
  • Earthwise Aware 2021. Bio-pollution Project Data. Data type: Map Data. 01/01/2021-08/31/2021 for Site: Middlesex Fells Reservation. Somerville, Massachusetts, USA. Data set accessed 09/02/2021 at earthwiseaware.org.

D. We request that all bibliographic information be provided to Earthwise Aware (citizenscience@earthwiseaware.org) for all manuscripts using Earthwise Aware data/material immediately after their publication.