⚖ Terms & Conditions

By using or accessing Earthwise Aware (the “Website”), you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, please do not use this Website.

Information About Us

This Website is operated by Earthwise Aware.

Terms & Conditions Updates

We may at any time and without prior notice to you replace or amend these terms and conditions. Your continued use of this Website after amendments are made means you accept the terms and conditions as updated. Therefore, please visit this page regularly to review these terms and conditions.


Whilst we aim to provide you with accurate information on this Website, we are unable to guarantee that the information and content contained in the Website is accurate, verified or complete. We accept no liability if you or any person or organization relies on or uses the information and/or content.

Use of Website

Whilst we welcome all visitors to this Website, we cannot guarantee that the Website is appropriate or available for use in any territory. Those who visit the Website are responsible for complying with all applicable laws. If use of the Website breaches any law in your jurisdiction(s), you may not use the Website and you must exit immediately.


Use of Content

The content of the Website is owned by us or third parties.

You may not alter the Website in any way or do anything that might or will damage or disrupt the good working order of the Website.

No content from the Website may be copied, used or reproduced without our written consent, except:

  • where extracts from the Website are downloaded or printed for personal and non-commercial use; or
  • where text from the Website is reproduced for the purpose of reporting in news publications provided that: (a) the text is reproduced accurately and fairly and not in a manner that could confuse or mislead others and (b) this Website is acknowledged as the source of the information.

Please send your written requests to use content from the Website to info@earthwiseaware.org.



Please note that in no circumstances may you use:

  • graphics, trademarks, logos, designs, images, photographs or videos from the Website, except with our prior written consent; or
  • any content from the Website that is marked as being the property of others, except with our prior written consent.

As for Earthwise Aware usage of 3rd-party media (i.e., media not own either by Earthwise Aware or its direct contributors and collaborators), here is the policy that we follow.

Linked Sites

We make no representations about any other websites. When you access any other website through the Website you understand that it is independent from us and that we have no control over that website and can accept no responsibility in relation to its content or the way you interact with it.

Linking to the Website

You may link to any part of this Website provided you ensure that by doing so you breach no law or rights of others, and that the linking to this Website does not suggest any association, patronage, approval or endorsement, except with our prior written consent.


We cannot guarantee that the Website will be uninterrupted or error free, or that the Website or your use of it will be free of viruses or harmful material. You are responsible for ensuring that your computer and computer system is suitable to use, and compatible with, the Website.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your computer system (including, but not limited to, your hardware, software and data) is not damaged by your use of the Website.

In circumstances where you suffer loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website, we accept no liability.

The limitations and exclusions above only apply to the extent permitted by law.

For any questions, please email us at info@earthwiseaware.org.