EwA Circles Rules & Tools

📜 » Explore a few of EwA circles’ foundation rules & tools for creating fun and impactful Nature circles.

The Circle Moderator

⭕ ▹ Unless you created a circle, where you are the only member, then have a moderator for each of ...

The EwA Circle Rules

📃 ▹  Here are a few rules/steps to maximize the impact of a circle, and make it a repeatable fun experience ...

Talking Stones

⛰ ▹ What is it? A talking stone is a stone that can be held in one hand. We like ...

The EwA Naturalist Daybag

🎒 ▹ Get A sturdy convenient day bag, in which you can store all that you want to bring with ...

Nature Journaling » Why, How to…

📗 ▹ It’s really fun and uplifting to keep a journal. A journal holds memories in a way that is ...

Be an EwA Naturalist » Join our Nature Projects

🍃 Action-Driven Nature Conservation Intro » | EwA Science Model » | Massachusetts Program » | Ecological Studies » Giving Science ...

Keeping Safe » Understanding Hazards

🚑 ▹ Be responsible in Nature and know when to steer clear: Know the hazards of the area. And have ...

Sharing with the EwA Circles Community

💗 ▹ Join our Nature Circles Forum and discover circle ideas and the favorite Nature circles activities from our EwA community! ...

⭕ » All About EwA Nature Circles

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