🚑 ▹ Be responsible in Nature and know when to steer clear: Know the hazards of the area. And have with you a first aid kit if you’re in remote wild areas. If you are a circle moderator start the session by recalling the participants on how to identify and prevent issues.

For instance in the North East of the United States, a few of the hazards that we have to be aware of include ticks (that can carry Lyme disease), yellow jackets, poison ivy, poison sumac, stinging nettle…

Other hazards to be aware of are sunburn and dehydration on hot days; and hypothermia on cold, wet days. It does rarely happen that someone will be stung by a bee or wasp, but it is good to know if anyone is allergic to insect stings and to be prepared for that (as a circle moderator you might want to carry an epi-pen and know how to use it if the situation ever occurs).

Another potential hazard is getting lost, particularly when people are moving at their own paces on trails that are not clearly marked and easy to follow. And as moderator make sure you keep an eye on the circle so as to not lose one…

Learning how to protect ourselves, identify harmful-to-us species so as to avoid them directly, their sting, or the disease they may carry is critical.

The goal is not to be fearful but to be prepared, so as to have a free mind and all our senses opened.

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