News & Whatnot

There’s a Bat in My House! What Do I Do?

There's a Bat in My House! What Do I Do?... Bat in the House!!! Wait! There's no need to panicyou can remove him or her safely and humanely. [WPSM_AC id=14634] Did you know that bats are the only flying mammals ...

EwA at Fresh Pond » Pollinator Science & Nature Journaling

EwA at Fresh Pond  Helping Plants and Insects with Citizen Science Participate in EwA's Biodiversity & Climate Program - Make a difference 🦋 Fresh Pond's Plant & Pollinator Survey Insect populations over the world are declining very rapidly. We need ...

Attracting & Retaining Citizen Scientists

Attracting & Retaining Citizen Scientists Some conservation citizen science organizations run projects that can be quickly carried out by citizen scientists without supervision. And for those organizations, a common practice is to motivate people with a few good training events ...

Cub Petting: Cute and Harmful…

Before considering cub petting or volunteering in a facility that allows close interactions with cubs, pause, research and think about the consequences... Many animal lovers choose to 'volunteer' at cat parks and sanctuaries that are nothing but big cat breeding & cub petting ...
Mongabay (cc)

The Case for Forests’ Prominent Role in Holding Off Climate Change

The case for forests’ prominent role in holding off climate change
  • The authors of a new report argue that investment in forests as a climate change mitigation strategy is just as important as addressing emissions from the energy sector.
  • Despite the ...
The conversation (cc)

How to Design Cities Where Both People & Nature Can Flourish

Here's how to design cities where people and nature can both flourish Urban nature has a critical role to play in the future liveability of cities. An emerging body of research reveals that bringing nature back into our cities can ...

Shrinking Winter Snowpack Harms Northeast Forests Year-round

Shrinking winter snowpack harms Northeast forests year-round Climate change often conjures up images of heat, drought and hurricanes. But according to the latest U.S. National Climate Assessment, released on Nov. 23, 2018, winters have warmed three times faster than summers ...
The conversation (cc)

Is That Selfie Really Worth it? Why Face Time With Wild Animals is a Bad Idea

Is that selfie really worth it? Why face time with wild animals is a bad idea The phenomenon of kangaroo selfies hit the headlines earlier this month, when several tourists were injured while feeding wild kangaroos in Lake Macquarie, ...

EwA at the Fells » Citizen Science & Naturalist Program

EwA at the Fells Fells’ Biodiversity & Climate Studies ■ The EwA Nature Guides to the Fells It is critical to understand how climate and land use affect plant and animal life to protect and restore habitats where they can thrive, ...

Wild Encountering with the Last “Man’s Messengers to the Gods”

"In the majestic Mongolian landscape, where the vast grasslands meet the endless dunes, herds of horses rove. Neither tethered nor constrained by fencing, they run and graze on the arid, windswept steppes..." —Jane Palmer Wild Encounter with the Last "Man’s ...

Notes from the Field

Forest Explorations — March in the Fells

Forest Explorations March in the Fells
For many New Englanders, the beginning of springtime comes as a welcome relief. This past winter has been especially challenging and, to me at least, the beginning of spring this year feels even more ...

Forest Explorations — February in the Fells

Forest Explorations February in the Fells
Heavy snowfall might at first seem like an inconvenience, or even threat, to wildlife. In actuality, snow accumulation is essential to the winter survival of many species. This February’s Forest Exploration shed light ...

Forest Explorations — January in the Fells

Forest Explorations January in the Fells
In addition to the usual emphasis on ecology, this January’s Forest Exploration introduced an additional focus: geology. Alongside Claire O’Neill, EwA naturalist Tom Eid shared his knowledge of geology and natural history. As some ...

Forest Explorations — December in the Fells

Forest Explorations December in the Fells
Winter is for me a moment in time when I naturally delve into forest details that escaped my attention all the other seasons. This time, I had planned to spend more time looking for ...

Forest Explorations — November in the Fells

Forest Explorations November in the Fells
After an unusually dry summer, it was a relief to see a wealth of fungi during this November’s Forest Exploration walk. Last month, conditions were too parched to support much fungi life, but this ...

Forest Explorations — October in the Fells

Forest Explorations October in the Fells
This October’s Forest Exploration was marked by reminders of the current drought. This summer and fall have been extremely dry; last month our group noted prematurely fallen, unripe acorns, and this month an especially ...

Forest Explorations — September in the Fells

Forest Explorations September in the Fells Early fall at the Fells bears signs of the changes to come. Leaves are beginning to take on warmer hues and the summer’s fruits are largely finished. While some of nature’s activities are winding ...

Forest Explorations — August in the Fells

Forest Explorations August in the Fells Summer is beginning to wind down in the Fells. This season has been especially dry; premature, still-green acorns litter the ground around us and the vernal pools we pass are parched. Still, there is ...

Forest Explorations — July in the Fells

Forest Explorations July in the Fells The Fells offers exciting natural finds year round, but July is an especially active time of year for both flora and fauna. Plants have reached peak foliage with some bearing ripening fruit. Insects pupae ...

Forest Explorations — February in the Fells

Forest Explorations February in the Fells
It’s easy to think of February as a time when there is little to see outdoors. It’s cold and grey and muddy, if not snowy. But if it seems so, perhaps you need only ...

Narratives & Opinions

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