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🌺 4 Seasons Celebration » Summer

Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ As the leaves of trees are reaching their mature size, and the canopy gets fuller, it is now harder to spot birds in those trees. Many of these trees have flowered already and are busy producing sugars and the next generation of buds. The squirrels have moved to their summer residence (leaf-and-twigs nests). The peepers […]

🐸 Ephemeral Living » Vernal Pool Explora

Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ Vernal pools are unique seasonal wetlands that are mostly precipitation-fed. The term “vernal” relates to ‘spring’, as these pools often appear and fill to capacity with spring rainfalls and snowpack melting. They are short-lived and dry out by early to mid-summer, then they may refill partially in the fall. They support rich and diverse […]

📝 The Wild Listing Game

Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹  Nature is everywhere around us, but we’re so busy or distracted that often we fail to notice it. Get outside and record the wildlife that lives around you including what you can’t see but you know live here. List the plants as well. If you don’t know the name, describe what you […]