It’s just one dog! Is dog poop really that bad? How about not using a bag and leaving the dog poop to decompose? We hear these sorts of comments all the time. The answer? What dogs eat, what their waste carries, and how many dogs visit an area can seriously impact all sorts of ecosystems […]
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Category: News and Whatnot
Conservation Needs Ecology Participatory...
Conservation Needs Natural History Participatory Science ▹ EwA’s participatory science model presented at ICCB 2023 (SCB’s 31st International Congress for Conservation Biology) Authors: Claire O’Neill, Jennifer Clifford, Kathy McGlathery | Earthwise Aware 🔗 Presentation | 📰 Handout An Essential Practice to Empower Communities and Help & Guide Science Earthwise Aware (EwA) implements “next generation” (data-driven) natural history […]
Keeping a Forest Whole
Keeping a Forest Whole ▹ EwA conservation study presented at NENHC 2023, C*Sci 2023. Follow-up presented at DCR Symposium 2025. 👥 Authors: Claire O’Neill and Mina Burton | Earthwise Aware 🔗 Presentations » current / 2023 original (full/flash/poster) | 📰 Handout The Power of Community-driven GIS-focused Participatory Science In Massachusetts, a community has formed around co-creative participatory science using […]
EwA Dog Poo Data Campaign
The EwA Dog Poo Data Campaign Call for Field Volunteers You must have noticed poop in bags (and not in bags) in urban green spaces, parks, and reservations? This is not just a smelly issue or an esthetic problem. Dog waste is an environmental pollutant that contaminates water supplies and is hazardous to both wildlife […]
Keeping the Fells Whole
Documenting habitat fragmentation in a mixed-use urban forest Publication: January 29th, 2022 Note the scroll on the right-hand side below to get through the whole report. You can also read it in its original StoryMap format > here. Sharing is Caring Spread the Word! ✒️ What you think is important to us. Feel free to […]
EwA Conservation Reports
Giving Science Back to the People – Advancing Biodiversity & Climate Research Only with the collaboration of naturalists and trained volunteers can we closely monitor indicators necessary to ascertain the state of biodiversity across the planet, such as indicators of phenology, migratory behavior, bioindicator species, population age structure, and species distributions. Tackling such tasks is […]
🏙️ Observing Nature in the City
If asked to name a favorite place in nature, many people including myself might choose to describe forests, meadows, or scenic ocean views. Some might include state parks or even smaller, more urban settings like the Middlesex Fells reservation where I live in Massachusetts. However, even the most open-minded nature lovers would be hard-pressed to […]
Don’t Hike so Close to Me: How the Prese
Authors: Jeremy Dertien (Clemson University), Courtney Larson (University of Wyoming), and Sarah Reed (Colorado State University) Millions of Americans are traveling this summer as pandemic restrictions wind down. Rental bookings and crowds in national parks show that many people are headed for the great outdoors. Seeing animals and birds is one of the main draws […]
EwA at Horn Pond
EwA at Horn Pond Helping Plants and Insects with Citizen Science Participate in EwA’s Biodiversity & Climate Program – Make a difference 🦋 Horn Pond Arthropod and Phenology Survey Insect populations over the world are declining very rapidly. We need the help and skills of our communities to understand the reasons and solutions. The good […]
2021 City Nature Challenge
Ready for the 2021 City Nature Celebration? We Surely Are! Between April 30th and May 3rd, hundreds of cities worldwide will be celebrating Nature and gather observations of species found in our area with the help of all who want to participate in the worldwide 2021 City Nature Challenge (CNC). Such events are known as […]