“In the majestic Mongolian landscape, where the vast grasslands meet the endless dunes, herds of horses rove. Neither tethered nor constrained by fencing, they run and graze on the arid, windswept steppes…” —Jane Palmer Wild Encounter with the Last “Man’s Messengers to the Gods” I am leaving tomorrow and will reach the fantastic land of […]
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Tag: Science
What The Grieving Mother Orca Tells Us A...
What the grieving mother orca tells us about how animals experience death For many weeks, news of a mother orca carrying her dead infant through the icy waters of the Salish Sea captured the attention of many around the world. Keeping the infant afloat as best she could, the orca, named Tahlequah, also known as […]
Ten Years After The Crisis, What Is Happ...
Ten years after the crisis, what is happening to the world’s bees? Ten years ago, beekeepers in the United States raised the alarm that thousands of their hives were mysteriously empty of bees. What followed was global concern over a new phenomenon: Colony Collapse Disorder. Since then we have realised that it was not just […]
Support for the U.S. Endangered Species ...
About the Endangered Species Act and the non-controversy over its widespread support (contrary to what we currently are ‘led’ to believe)… In short, a study published very recently found that: (a) ∼4 in 5 Americans support the ESA, whereas ∼1 in 10 oppose it; (b) support for the ESA remained stable over the past two […]
🖇️ Environmental Problem Solving with Le
Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ A math problem is fairly simple to solve; there is typically one demonstrably correct solution, with a well-established path to find it. Environmental problems are comparatively messy. Often, there are a variety of seemingly disparate facets that must be taken into account, and perspectives with which to view them. Coming up with solutions […]
When Science “Discovers” What Traditiona
It’s taken thousands of years, but Western science is finally catching up to Traditional Knowledge A team of researchers in northern Australia have documented kites and falcons, “firehawks,” intentionally carrying burning sticks to spread fire: It is just one example of western science catching up to Indigenous Traditional Knowledge. by George Nicholas, Simon Fraser University Originally […]
🦎 iNaturalism » The Magic of Biodiversit
Biodiversity on our footpath… Chitons, Star cushions observed in New Zealand. Explore and join our iNat EwA Project Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ Biodiversity is the fabric of Life on Earth. It’s not just about the many species of insects, fungi, birds, reptiles, mammals… It’s also about the various Earth habitats. It surrounds us wherever we […]