By May, summer is just around the corner at Fresh Pond, and the month sees a boom of insect life at Lusitania Meadow. Along with this late-spring boom comes all kinds of activity, from the nesting of mining bees to the arrival of insect-eating warblers. By late May, the air here and in the many […]
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Tag: Spring
Fresh Pond Almanac—April at the Meadow
While April in Massachusetts often still has a few cold, wintry days, spring has undeniably arrived when the fourth month of the year rolls around. No matter what fickle weather the month may throw our way, the accumulation of warmer temperatures means that Fresh Pond’s many plants are kicking into full swing, vying to occupy […]
Forest Explorations — April in the Fells
Another month – another EwA Fells walk! Each forest exploration walk brings its load of wonders and this April’s walk wasn’t any different. April is an exciting month: vernal pools have thawed and are welcoming frogs and salamanders to breed, and the forest floor exhibits the colors of its first bloomers. Anticipation builds up, and […]
🏙️ Observing Nature in the City
If asked to name a favorite place in nature, many people including myself might choose to describe forests, meadows, or scenic ocean views. Some might include state parks or even smaller, more urban settings like the Middlesex Fells reservation where I live in Massachusetts. However, even the most open-minded nature lovers would be hard-pressed to […]
🏞️ Forest Immersion » Going Back Home
Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ This circle is a mindful Forest Immersion. It is structured so as to make the mindfulness of the experience explicit and accessible. Ideally, Forest Immersion (or Forest Attuning) happens in a forest, but it needs not be. You can pick a meadow, a beach, or your own garden. It is important however that […]
🦋 Biobliss » Documenting Species Like a
American Toad | EwA iNat Research Grade Sighting Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to species, and ecosystems. It encompasses the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that sustain life – It is the fabric of Life on Earth. It is everywhere starting right where […]
Forest Explorations — May in the Fells
The forest floor was dominated by swaths of Canada Mayflower during this month’s Forest Exploration – a sure sign of spring. This low-growing understory perennial has yet to flower at the Fells, but others including Bloodroot, Wood anemone, and (somewhat regrettably) the highly invasive Garlic mustard are now in bloom. As it is currently a […]
🐸 Ephemeral Living » Vernal Pool Explora
Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ Vernal pools are unique seasonal wetlands that are mostly precipitation-fed. The term “vernal” relates to ‘spring’, as these pools often appear and fill to capacity with spring rainfalls and snowpack melting. They are short-lived and dry out by early to mid-summer, then they may refill partially in the fall. They support rich and diverse […]
Forest Explorations — March in the Fells
For many New Englanders, the beginning of springtime comes as a welcome relief. This past winter has been especially challenging and, to me at least, the beginning of spring this year feels even more needed than usual. During this March’s Forest Exploration, we enjoyed spring’s early risers; green and purple Round-Lobed Hepatica (Hepatica americana) leaves […]
🌱 4 Seasons Celebration » Spring
Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ A sure sign of Spring in the forests are the multitude of wildflowers popping out and covering the forest floor before any of its trees wake from dormancy. If you take a walk and then retrace your steps you might even find some that bloomed after you passed them on your […]