👥 Community: Collaborators, Interns & Participatory Scientists

EwA thrives as a vibrant community of collaborators, contributors, participatory scientists, and partners, all of whom are indispensable to our organization. Our dedicated volunteers play a pivotal role in shaping EwA’s content by reviewing, editing, and enriching it with their conservation and wildlife experiences and expertise. Whether they are naturalists, volunteers, travelers, scientists, practitioners, or leaders, each individual brings valuable insights that contribute to our collective mission.

Furthermore, we are immensely grateful for our growing community of participatory scientists who contribute their skills and record vital ecological data while also co-leading field events. Their dedication and expertise help to advance our understanding of nature and enhance our conservation efforts.

We deeply appreciate the commitment of all these individuals who generously give their time, expertise, and experiences to inspire and elevate the standards of nature conservation and wildlife welfare practices. Their contributions are invaluable in our collective efforts to protect and preserve our natural world.

To our EwA community ▹ Thank You!

Jennifer Clifford | Plant pathologist (Ph.D.)
EwA organization collaborator & participatory science program Leader (United States)

A colleague told me of Earthwise Aware. I joined the group on one of the nature outings in the Fells and was immediately drawn to the people and the mission. Being outside makes me happy, and I enjoy being a part of this group.

Just as important, participating in the phenology and arthropod surveys as a citizen scientist allows me to contribute to collecting data that will inform larger research questions. This is a great way to increase our understanding of biodiversity, which, in turn, will inform the decisions we make on policy on how we conserve and protect species, especially in the face of a changing climate.”

Kathy McGlathery | School educator & Naturalist
EwA organization collaborator & participatory science program Leader (United States)

One of EwA’s mottos is Nature Conservation as a Way of Life. I believe in that. I am an amateur naturalist, and at EwA, I have met like-minded curious naturalists with the mission of collecting biodiversity evidence for national data platforms. It is empowering to contribute to databases that researchers in climate and biodiversity can use in their research. I also love EwA’s mission to educate local community members about the nature surrounding them. EwA gives them the knowledge and tools to notice and study it and do that in a way that respects nature. Nature and biodiversity become part of what we notice and care for every day.”

Joe MacIndewar | Environmental advocate & Naturalist
EwA participatory scientist & Fells’ field leader (United States)

With ballooning human population levels, species are slipping away at extinction rates 1000 times the ‘natural’ rate due to human activities. The time is now to act and try to instill changes in perception and promote awareness before we reach some global tipping point that the planet’s biodiversity, and possibly we ourselves, may not recover.

By promoting awareness and education regarding the issues negatively affecting the natural world and teaching ways to be better stewards of this planet, EwA is doing its part to try and reshape people’s current thoughts and perceptions of conservation and overall sustainability. To be a part of that mindset is important.

Sara Gardner | Nature-based educator & Naturalist
EwA participatory scientist & field leader (United States)

We, as humans, are nature. It is so important that we understand the connections and intricacies of our natural environment and our impact on it. Our embodied realization of this connection is essential if we are to solve the climate issues that we are currently facing.

Laura Roberts | Environmental advocate & Naturalist
EwA biodiversity walk field leader (United States)

Whether she’s spotting tiny insects, identifying delicate plants, or uncovering hidden gems in the ecosystem, Laura’s keen eye for observing the small, often overlooked wonders of nature, combined with her infectious curiosity, inspires all who join our walks.

Mike McGlathery | Environmental advocate & Naturalist
EwA editorial collaborator & internship leader (United States)

“The more time I have worked as part of Earthwise Aware’s community, the more intuitively I have felt my connection to the environment around me and the effects my actions have on our ecosystems and the larger global system. This organization is doing important work to confront the environmental crisis that many among us so deeply fear.

Lisa DiRocco | Environmental advocate & Naturalist
EwA participatory scientist & field leader (United States)

I am mostly involved with Habitat Fragmentation initiatives with EwA but value all the EwA citizen science work that is done. Being part of this community allows me to give back to the Fells and learn in the process. It is a lot of fun to participate with so many like-minded nature enthusiasts.

Bill MacIndewar | Science teacher & Naturalist
EwA participatory scientist & Fells’ field leader (United States)

As a Science teacher, I am passionate about helping students develop the knowledge and confidence to take on an active role in the world. Education is key to empowering the next generation, and EwA’s role in attracting, educating, and retaining citizen scientists is something that I truly appreciate and support.”

Yvonne Liu-Constant | Early childhood teacher educator & Naturalist
EwA participatory scientist & field leader (United States)

“The environmental educator David Sobel stated, “If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, then let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it.” As an educator, I believe it is urgent to teach children to love nature, respect biodiversity, and understand that we are interconnected with all beings.”

Kathleen Shea | Environmental advocate & Naturalist
EwA participatory scientist & field leader (United States)

There is a lot of energy in the EwA programs. It is the kind of energy that has the right momentum to make a difference, and I want to be part of that.”

Mina Burton | Environmental Sciences investigator
EwA GIS consultant (United States)

I strongly believe in EwA’s data transparency, community, and co-creative conservation values. I am excited to be part of an organization that refuses to create a hierarchy between scientists and non-scientists and instead recognizes the valuable skill sets and knowledge we all have to offer.

Linda Williams | Environmental advocate & Naturalist
EwA participatory scientist & field leader (United States)

Working with EwA is a way to connect with nature while capturing vital data which not only informs DCR resource management but also contributes to a worldwide set of data on the impact of climate change…”

Esther Andrade Meirelles | Forest Sciences Master student
EwA participatory scientist & knowledge provider (Brazil)

“EwA has taught me a lot of new knowledge, and it allows me to be in touch with the field in which I want to work. EwA also shows me daily that many people are working in favor of environmental conservation, and being able to participate in this wonderful group brings me a lot of personal satisfaction.” 

Kristian Demary | Ecologist (Ph.D.)
EwA participatory scientist & field leader (United States)

Insects are the little things that run the world. Unfortunately, we are losing insects on a global scale. (…) Being able to observe plant and insect interactions will allow us to make recommendations about what plants are particularly important for supporting insect populations.

Kate Estrop | Free-lance graphic designer and illustrator & Arthopod enthusiast
EwA participatory scientist & field leader (United States)

“Earthwise Aware’s mission, to engage through citizen science, speaks to me as a person trained in the humanities with many interests in the life sciences. I believe that the best way for people to truly care about, and then act on, the needs of their environment is for them to see the natural world up-close: smell the buds, follow the path of ants, and hear birdsong on a spring morning. EwA’s programming, both in educational sessions and volunteering opportunities, allows for this closeness.”

Joanne Dermody Mullan | Environmental advocate & Naturalist
EwA participatory scientist & field leader (United States)

“I love being out amongst the trees, the birds, the bees. I am learning so much by documenting the weekly changes at Fresh Pond as part of the EwA team.”

Xiaochen Sherry Yan | Georgia Tech Statistics student
EwA statistician volunteer (United States)

Caring for the environment is equivalent to caring for ourselves.

At EwA, everyone is always ready to learn from each other and help each other out. I feel comfortable reaching out whenever I have a problem, knowing they’ll listen and offer support.

Kate Danziger | Biological science technician
EwA participatory scientist (United States)

It is so inspiring to see so many people who do not necessarily have an academic background in the biological sciences that are so knowledgeable and passionate about the work they do. By being in the field with EwA’s citizen scientists, I have learned so much more about the natural world than I have ever learned by sitting in a classroom.

Lawrence Millman | Mycologist & Author
EwA science collaborator (United States)

“You can remove all the birds and still have a forest, but if you remove all the fungi, the forest will die.”

I can think of no one who’s doing better work on behalf of the beleaguered natural world than Claire ONeill. Her excellent non-profit organization, EwA, deserves international attention.”

Matt Gage and Joe Martinez | Herpetologists
EwA science collaborators (United States)

We must realize we are stakeholders in wildlife and habitat management. Engagement prevents us from both the mismanagement of and detachment from these precious resources. –Matt

“In this current state of declining numbers of species and populations, supporting efforts to preserve and even expand the number of species and populations is essential. A world that’s not teeming with amphibians and reptiles would be a sad world indeed. –Joe

Jill Brogan | Environmental advocate & Naturalist
EwA participatory scientist (United States)

“Whether I’m walking in the woods or a neighborhood, I notice the trees, bugs, birds, etc. more deeply than ever. I feel like I’m really ‘seeing’ nature now.”

Ashley McCoy | Terracorp member
EwA participatory scientist (United States)

“EwA’s work is so important, especially in the world we live in today. EwA gives everyone, both the experienced naturalist and the beginner, the opportunity to connect with nature and the world around them. Through exploration walks, phenology monitoring sessions, and more, they are modeling respectful and ethical practices for being in the forest.”

Ashley Tenn | Information scientist & Nature advocate
EwA Library Project Leader (United States)

There’s always something new to learn about our environment! With every new piece of knowledge, I feel motivated to observe the world more closely, to care about each member and mechanism of Earth’s ecosystems more deeply, and to figure out how to use my skills to help others do the same. I’m excited for the EwA library to become a hub for new ideas, passion projects, and friendships for the members of our volunteer community!

Kyle Shea | Arborist & Nature advocate
EwA Invasive Flora Patroller (United States)

Our forests are the home to biodiversity, and we need to protect that.

EwA has helped me put my talents and knowledge out into the world and I’ve met some great people along the way.

Marcel Gietzmann-Sanders | Machine learning engineer & Nature advocate
EwA technology collaborator (United States)

Our biosphere is an incredible array of solutions to a mind-blowing set of problems. I’ll never stop being fascinated by it and would rather like it to stay as diverse as it is today!

Stewardship starts with connection and data. EwA helps us achieve both.

Thomas Eid | Environmental advocate & Naturalist
EwA organization advisor & field leader (United States)

EwA activities that I enjoy the most are developing a better understanding of the biodiversity in our local recreation areas and collaborating with like-minded people. The Earthwise Aware team, members, and their links with local and national groups provide an excellent way to share and learn from others.

We are so appreciative of the support of EwA’s science collaborators who generously share their expertise from Matt Gage & Joe Martinez (US): Herpetology expertise + content (▹ articles) | Lawrence Millman (US): Mycology expertise + content (▹ EwA Field Guide to Common Fungi of the Boston Areaarticle ) | Walter Kittredge (US): Botany expertise + Fells’ natural community mapping | Laura Costello (US): content (▹ EwA Guide to the Plants of the Fellsarticles) | Shilpa Sen (US): Wetland ecology expertise + content (▹ articlesEwA Wetlands Rules of ConductEwA Herp Rules of Conduct) | Amy Mertl & Teá Kesting-Handly (US): Entomology expertise | Agnese Mancini (UK): Marine ecology expertise (EwA Reef Rules of Conduct review) | Denise Spaan (Mexico): Biodiversity and ecology expertise (EwA Great Apes Rules of Conduct review).

Thanks to our EwA interns (present and past). We love to mentor and learn from our young environmental leaders: Jessica Yuan ( Fall 2023 / ▹ news digest ) | Madeline Logan ( Summer 2023 / news digest ) | Ava Isarankura ( Summer 2023 / data snippets ) | Meghan Cahill ( Spring 2023 / ▹ news digest ) | Kate Danziger ( Research Internship 2022-2023 / ▹ reports ) | Jakob Drozd ( 2021-2022 / ▹ Hab-frag project ) | Kayla Padegimas ( Spring 2022 / ▹ news digest ) | Yan Xiaochen ( Fall 2021 / ▹ news digest ) | Kate Danziger ( Summer 2021 / ▹ news digest ) | Olivia Bible ( Summer 2021 / ▹ news digest ) | Caitlin Ball ( Spring 2021 / ▹  news digest ) | Mina Burton ( Summer 2020 / ▹  articles ) | Lucy Janovitz ( Summer 2020 / ▹ articles ) | Layza Espinal Maldonado ( Spring 2020 ) | Stephanie Schofield ( Spring 2020 / ▹ article ) | Jackson Schilling ( Summer 2019 ) | Sarah Haughney ( Summer 2019 / ▹ article ) | Charlotte Low ( Summer 2019 ) | Xaelel Allen-Caballero ( Spring 2019 / ▹ article ).

A special thanks to our growing community of dedicated participatory scientists in Massachusetts.

  • Biodiversity & Phenology: Kristian Demary | Linda Williams | Kate Danziger | Jennifer Clifford | Joe MacIndewar Kathy McGlathery Bill MacIndewar | Sarah Thompson | Kristian Demary | Esther Meirelles | Sara Gardner | Joanne Dermody | Lisa DiRocco Yvonne Liu-Constant | Kathleen Shea | Mike McGlathery | Ashley McCoy | Daniel Onea | Heather Ballou | Kate Estrop | Christine Tuccelli | Martin Fraser | Joe Damore | Sonia Barrios | Daniel McKanan | June Mackenzie Randie Brisson | Rachel Hertzberg | Laura Costello | Shilpa Sen
  • Habitat Degradation (Bio-Pollution & Fragmentation)Lisa DiRocco | Dan Bender | Jennifer Clifford | Thomas Dempsey | Joe MacIndewar | Ashley McCoy | Louisa Dixon | Diana Lomakin | Eileen Mullen | Syrah McGovern
  • Habitat & Ecological Community Documentation: Joe Macindewar | Matt Gage | Shilpa Sen | Walter Kittredge
  • Ecological Data Analysis & GIS: Marcel Gietzmann-Sanders (EwA Buggy app & data streaming PI) | Jakob Drodz (Fells Data GIS Help).

We are thankful for the content (including article contributions) and organization help from Natalia Carbullido (US): Fundraising | Carolina Pantano (Argentina): Content (▹ articles) | Samantha Sullivan (U.S.): Content (▹ articles) | Marie Therese Heggen (Norway): Content (▹ article) | Nathan Van Meter (US): Content (▹ articles) | Anne-Cécile Decoux (France): Content Advisor + Media | Meredith Heather (Content Review) | Joyce Ng (US): Media | Chanda Bahlo (US): Content Editor | Mercedes Delgado (US): Business Advisor | Kathryn Leach (US): Corporate Legal Advisor (EwA Bylaws) | Christiane Dupré (France): Content Advisor | Jon Hodge (US): Content Advisor | Claire Reichstein (Australia): Content | David Kulik (US): Media | Lacey Higgins (US): Media | Kristen Heard (US): Content | Lorraine Roberts  (UK): Media.

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