Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ This circle is a mindful Forest Immersion. It is structured so as to make the mindfulness of the experience explicit and accessible. Ideally, Forest Immersion (or Forest Attuning) happens in a forest, but it needs not be. You can pick a meadow, a beach, or your own garden. It is important however that […]
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Tag: Nature Sketching
🌳 Embrace your Tree Community
Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ We pass by them every day, and yet many of us barely notice them. When you think about it, it is quite puzzling that we often ignore those beautiful giants and great providers of Life. Here is a set of activities to remind us of the wonders of trees, to explore how […]
🍂 Nature Journaling the Wonders of Fall
Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ Fall is here! It is a great opportunity to slow down and notice the Life around. In temperate climates, late bloomers come into focus, deciduous trees explode in colors, all are preparing for the Winter. Fall is also the perfect time to start or resume Nature Journaling. Get your pens & pencils out, and […]
EwA at Fresh Pond » Pollinator Science
EwA at Fresh Pond ☆ Helping Plants and Insects with Citizen Science Participate in EwA’s Biodiversity & Climate Program – Make a difference 🦋 Fresh Pond’s Plant & Pollinator Survey Insect populations over the world are declining very rapidly. We need the help and skills of our communities to understand the reasons and solutions. The good […]
EwA at the Fells » Citizen Science & Nat
EwA at the Fells Fells’ Biodiversity & Climate Studies ■ The EwA Nature Guides to the Fells It is critical to understand how climate and land use affect plant and animal life to protect and restore habitats where they can thrive, including in our urban green spaces. EwA is doing its part! EwA runs an extensive […]
🌷 Nature Journaling Spring’s New Beginni
Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ Here in the North, the days are finally getting longer and the sun is a bit warmer! Let’s get outside and observe together how Nature is slowly awakening. In temperate climates, early bloomers including snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils, come into focus. We love getting some hyacinth in pots that we let bloom […]
🕊️ The World of Birds
Summary ꙳ Objectives ▹ Birds are truly universal and can be found almost everywhere on our planet! Watching them is a window to the Real. It connects you deeply with Nature. Observing birds gives us a sense of wonder while teaching us patience and focus. Once you step into their world, you realize how rich that world […]